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Week 20/52: Build my Site

I am getting antsy trying to work on my site and blog the way i wanted it to look like... for example; a slideshows that will work on different common browsers {both my website and blog}, better looking photo galleries, etc. I have been working on these for at least couple of months and it seems like i am not moving along, *waahhhh*.
I can probably pay someone to take this headache off my head but fishing out extra bucks off our savings seems a lot {at least $250-300 a pop to have someone customize your site}. I feel like i would rather save this money up for some upgrade of my camera down the road or even get a better flashgun.

Any take or an idea or suggestions who charge a fairly affordable site customization? Any newbies out there who wants to play on my website? Already have my own domain name and a web-hosting account site. I just need someone's sun shining bright ideas and expertise in tweaking the kind of layout that i wanted, *sad*.

Hopeful the universe will hear me right now.
